Guadalupe Oak Grove Park

Monday, September 27, 2004

The bird tree

It was cool and breezy when I birded in Guadalupe Oak Grove Park this afternoon. Very few birds seen along the wooded trail except for the parks speciality, Acorn Woodpeckers. I stopped and pished (a term to call in birds) when I saw some birds high in a Coast Live Oak tree. Then my first fall Townsends Warbler flew in close to me. I don't think I've ever gotten a better look at this brightly colored warbler. Other birds congregated in the same tree were White breasted Nuthatch, Chestnut backed Chickadee, Oak Titmouse, Bewicks Wren, Black Phoebe, Huttons Vireo, and several Bushtits. Also seen in the park were Lesser Goldfinch, Nuttalls Woodpecker, and a small flock of Golden-crowned Sparrows with some Cal. Towhees near the Villas. Two vocal adult Red shouldered Hawks showed their displeasure when a Red tailed Hawk soared into their territory. A most unusual sight was an adult Coopers Hawk chasing a Turkey Vulture. An Orange-crowned Warbler was seen near the parking lot while talking to park regulars Thalia and Hal.


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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Bobcat sighted

I found a few birds in the trees near parking lot today, but not much else along the tree lined trail. I turned around to leave and that's when I spotted a beautiful male Bobcat walking towards me. When he saw me he flicked his tail a few times, then walked right up a leaning tree trunk and disappeared into the dense foliage.


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